the story of mfers • rarity guides • community contributions
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Important links (mfer discord, twitter, etc.)
Templates to create your own memes
mfers glossary: crypto twitters words and phrases (opens a new page)
mfers derivatives (opens a new page)
About me – the creator of this website
This website is about the collection “mfers” made by sartoshi_nft/ sartoshi_rip, called sartoshi on twitter. Consider this website as a long thread about the rarities of the collection and important contributions of the community. The last paragraph is about myself, the creator of this website. I am a simple member of the mfers community, I am not sartoshi and I am not affiliated with him. The presented information were allocated with the best interest, but you should ensure that all of them are correct by yourself. Furthermore they resemble my subjective point of view. If you think something is missing, simply leave me a kind direct message on twitter and I will think about what you said. When in doubt, I will ask the community about your proposals or thoughts.
The story of mfers started with sartoshi, the creator of mfers. His original twitter account (sartoshi_nft) is no more, therefore I will put the pieces into order and give an outlook for the future and explain how sartoshi came back to the community with a new twitter account (@sartoshi_rip).
What mfers are about and how sartoshi entered the twitterverse. An explanation by sartoshi:
lots of mfers been asking ‘what are mfers’ so here’s the backstory
the origin traces to my entry to the world of nfts
in march 2021 i began looking at digital art on superrare and created an account there. i needed a name… we all know about satoshi & digital currency…but this was about a foray into digital art…suddenly ‘sartoshi’ was born. my pfp began as the default anonymous image on superrare and i collected a few pieces…
then it all hit hyperspace.
in a word: cryptopunks. loved them and was fascinated with what larva labs had created with essentially no blueprint. got my first punk in april 2021 – a mohawk punk with a cig. sartoshi the cryptopunk entered the twitterverse.
(…) – written by sartoshi
To read the full explanation of the origin and the backstory behind mfers, click on the image on the right side.
This is the timeline that sartoshi created to explain the development of mfers. His idea started on the 6th September of 2021. The mint was on the 30th November 2021 at 4:20 pm with a mint price of 0.069 E.
After participants of the community started building, programming and creating stuff and the first derivatives were made, sartoshi repeatedly wrote the following words beneath the tweets of other people: “mfers jus gettin started”. Soon after he used these words he used the following letters to reply to tweets that were about the future of mfers and possible upcoming airdrops: “qjivwnywkixxmrwxevxih”.
Soon mfers started to get a clue what this message could mean and one guy, I believe it was twitter handle “@__MrBlu__”, but I could be wrong, simply decoded these wild letters with a caesar cipher decoder.
I was confused and felt stupid first, because I didn’t try to decode it myself. Since I analyzed patterns for many years in my past, I searched for something out of the order and found it quickly. The keys were “4” and “22”. It is important to mention that there are numerous ways to encode messages, caesar cipher is one method of many. Since I assumed that most people only invest extra work, if it provides additional benefits, I thought that this had to be a hint. Why should sartoshi first say something multiple times and then use an encoded letter combination to say the exact same thing. “4” and “22” had to mean something. I quickly believed that these numbers where hinting towards a date and assumed that something was coming up on the 22th of April. I was confused why sartoshi wouldn’t pick the keys “4” and “20” and make a surprise on the 20th of April.
At this point of time I didn’t know, that the variations of key combinations are limited! It is simply not possible to use “4” and “20” as keys, as far as I understand there are 25 shifts which means only 25 possible combinations of two numbers are possible. “22” was hinting towards the year and not the day and of course the surprise, the first companion collection airdrop of creyzies took place on the 20th of April. Gotta stay true to the memes: “420”.
Now I was convinced that the keys of these encoded messages were the true hints towards the future. Soon another message was published by sartoshi “rckvirrlkvdvirgvimvezvk”. This time the people were faster and quickly decoded the message “altera autem era per veniet” which is latin for “the next era will come along”. The keys were “17” and “9” this time. Now I was confused, if sartoshi stayed true to himself these keys should hint to a date again, but I didn’t understand. For me it made sense that something might happen on the 9th of June. Gotta stay true to the memes: “69”.
And sartoshi soon posted the timeline that you can see above. A short time before the 9th of June, Sartoshi posted a gif, that looked like this:
Then sartoshi announced on the 9th of June that he would complete the meme of Satoshi, who vanished when Bitcoin was self-sufficient. He decided to vanish forever as “Sartoshi” because mfers became self-sufficient and he therefore wanted to give the power and the biggest amount of royalties to the community.
Sartoshis explanation can be viewed here. When you click on the link it will open a new window, so you can proceed with reading if you want to.
Basically sartoshi made a bet on the community. He gave up 180 000 followers and a big reach, as well as a big portion of his income. I believe that he wanted to enable the community and that he believed in the cause, from an egoistic monetary standpoint this move was… very bad.
The keys “17” and “9” didn’t leave me alone, so I simply googled for the date and what kind of special events were celebrated at this day. It turned out that this date is in fact the constitution day, also known as citizenship day in America that took place on the 17th September of 1787. – Well this made sense.
On this day Americans were guaranteed their essential rights. My theory about the keys of the two encoded messages is nothing, but my theory, which can be wrong, but it wouldn’t surprise me if I am right.
How might the future look like? Well this heavily depends on the community. 7 mfers were selected to have control over a multi-sig wallet that receives 50% of the royalties for secondary sales. I estimated an average monthly volume of 2200 E, and an average 55 E for the treasury on a monthly basis. What might be more important than the amount of E is which directions the community decides to take and how the team that controls the treasury will work with the rest of community to pave the new roads that the community wishes to take. After sartoshi departed from us and the treasury was mostly left untouched for a long time except investments regarding three causes: – Ukraine donation, – NYC mfers party, – cannabis company (literally growing weed). There was a system in place that included many voting rounds and involved active participation of verified mfers in the discord for a suggestion to be considered. The signers team came up with a new idea for a quicker and more decentralized way of distributing money. Before that the signers team wanted to compensate themselves. (If you want to track any actions of the treasury, please check the transaction history of the wallet by yourself)
The signers team decided to do a signers compensation with 15% of the treasuries funds. They created lists according to their own impression of the things they did for mfers. Depending on the actions that were acknowledged by the other signers they received a smaller / bigger portion of the 15% of the compensation. After the round of compensation @zhoug0x and @the_imp0ster, who created the treasury in the first place and asked other members of the community to join the treasury team, decided to leave the signers team. In their explanation tweets they were transparent about their own opinion regarding important topics like the nodes and the actions that were acknowledged by the rest of the signers team, which enabled them to receive a certain share of the 15% compensation. The standpoints/ opinions/ reasons for compensation of the remaining 5 signers remain unknown to this day (according to my information). At this point the mfers community has 5 signers and it is still not clear if the signers will get 2 new members or remain a team of five.
While sartoshi was gone many things happened, a few things / controversial topics can be reread in the 3 following articles (“Mfers started to write their own history”, “Will mfers end their own history?” and “The situation changed”). These articles can no longer be found on the main page, but you can still read them here.
The mfers smart contract will stay in the hands of the signers team, which might hint, that sartoshi won’t retake his old position as the central figure, but be a central figure of the community.
On the 9th of December a mysterious image appeared from an ETH address we all know too well. “sartoshi.eth”
One day later an article from sartoshi appeared with the title sartoshi_rip, where he explains that the image had no meaning within itself but was simply something that was necessary to get the word out. Furthermore sartoshi repeats the history of his twitter presence from his own point of view. He describes the action to permanently deactivate his original account as a reaction to an idea that surfaced within the community, which was to have a leaderless decentralized community. Therefore he transferred the contract to the multi-sig wallet and created a final art work “end of sartoshi”. Although there was a conflict of interests/ opinion after Sartoshi’s departure. While many considered is a liberation move, others deemed it as an abondenment of the crypto space from Sartoshi’s side. Since the second opinion contradicted sartoshis personal feelings and view, he decided to re-enter the twitterverse with a new account @sartoshi_rip in 2023 as an art collector and use his last collection as “ongoing pass for holders to obtain free claims to crypto art from great crypto artists”.
First I will explain the format how it was for a long time: Every EOS Token makes owners eligible to participate in monthly raffles, where the winners obtain the opportunity to mint an edition of an artwork form a prominent crypto artist. The artworks that are part of the collection Life Death & Cryptoart can be seen here: “ Life Death & Cryptoart“. Sartoshi usually announces the next drop on his twitter account. After that people will have the opportunity to register for a weighted raffle on a page of, where their EOS tokens count as entries, the more you have the higher the chance is, that you will be able to mint. The collections are featured by prominent crypto artists like @patrickamadon, @PopWonderNFT and @pixelord. The editions are capped at 300 and all the royalties go to the featured artists. There have been critiques that they are not part of the same collection as it is with punk6529 meme cards and the incentive to collect the whole set might be lower due to that reason, but possible arguments for the current system are, that it allows each item to have a separate contract to direct the royalties to the artist and all of the artworks are part of one gallery. If you registered for a raffle and won a free minting spot, it is important to participate within the given and announced timeframe, if you don’t you will loose your free claim. In the past sartoshi opened the raffle after the announced timeframe for all the wallets with EOS tokens, that lost the raffle, to claim the tokens, that weren’t claimed.
How the most recent iterations went: People who had at least 10 EOS in a wallet were able to mint before the rest of EOS holders with x amount of EOS < 10. That actually lead whales to split their EOS between wallets in chunks of 10. I also did this for two pieces I believe, between two wallets, more would be unhandy. People who minted can’t mint another time. So, it might have been even more ideal to split a few EOS between a few wallets and mint directly after the >= 10 EOS timeframe. Usually the 300 weren’t minted out by the wallets that own >= 10 EOS. A simple explanation is the distribution of EOS. There are holders around with wallets that hold 1% of the entire collection, which also can just mint 1 Life Death & Cryptoart of each edition.
I personally believe, that the idea of EOS is quite cool. “Why?” Well, sartoshi started his journey as an art collector and aside from the utility that EOS provides, every holder can kinda step into Sartoshi’s footsteps and enter the perspective of an art collector who engages with a different artist each month. Even if the “free” artwork doesn’t suits one’s taste, it will still leave an impression of the art style of that particular artist and who knows, maybe there is an affordable piece that really vibes with one’s taste.
After the first artworks for EOS (End of Sartoshi) launched, a free mint for EOS holders was announced. In a very short mint duration with a quite buggy start of the mint, which excluded some mfers out of the mint (myself included) EOS holders were able to premint free Nakamigos for each EOS token they were holding (22.03.2023 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. east).
A regular mint followed after the premint for everyone who wanted to buy a Nakamigo. It was a dutch action on the 23.03.2023 12 p.m. East from 1 ETH to 0.01 ETH. In a dutch auction the price declines steadily till it reaches the bottom or the collection is minted out before. Nakamigos were minted out on 0.01 ETH within less than a minute, if I remember it correctly. After Nakamigos minted out the price declined heavily, like it is with many other NFT collection. After an exclusive premint the price is higher than after the public mint, where it usually declines below the mint price and then goes wherever… depending on the demand and the amount of peoples who want to sell. You can still find mint details here.
While some people say that the premint was okay, because the team, which was responsible for the mint (WestCoastNFT), fixed it quickly, others say that it was unfair, because you kinda had to be on twitter to catch up with the quick fixes and the mint duration was so short, that it caused many people to be left out, even though they showed up at some point of the promised time period. To my knowledge nothing ever happened to compensate those, that showed up, but did not make it past the bugs.
Still, I would consider the collection as it is as some kind of success. Even big names like @mooncat2878 were into it and the pixel art drew the attention of many people. Since it is not a cc0 project, but each token gives the holders the same rights as the BAYC team gave to the holders of CryptoPunks. The images can’t be used freely and therefore I can’t upload them here, without hurting the tokenowners rights.
From a rarity standpoint the collection is not uninteresting. There are lots of traits and since so many are unique, there was and still is hype potential for many of them. Phrases like finding your forevermigo were used. Since the variety is so immense, this might be possible. At the moment (27th of April 2024) the unique holders count is below 30%. That is something which was also striking for myself. Sartoshi and many core mfers were tweeting here and then about Nakamigos. Make up your own mind. Even though the mint… was as it was, I believe, that it was great for EOS holders in general that they were offered such a possibly life changing free mint opportunity. Nakamigos were trading above 1 ETH floor at their highs…
I didn’t follow up with all the rumors and I might be the wrong person to answer all the questions around nakamigos, but a crypto space legend called @beeple often included them in his posts. Rumors are that he or a superrare og artists is the original creator of the collection. This is an incomplete overview of the Nakamigos collection, there were free mints for Nakamigos holders, called Nakamigos-CLOAKS. I believe that the mint was restructured to a free mint for EOS holders after critical debates, but I don’t know if my memory is 100 % accurate concerning these turn of events. The Cloaks collecting looks a bit like trading cards and consists of around 20 000 NFTs, just like the OG Nakamigos collection.
EOS was often labeled as the gift, that kept on giving. I would still consider the Nakamigos mint as the biggest bang for EOS holders by far. It seemed like after this huge success people and artists understood that the mfers community is so strong, that they can basically create a hype around any collection, that they really liked. Different collections followed, like Danks and Braincrocs. I don’t know a lot about the Braincrocs mint, but Danks was basically directly minted out and word was in the street, that it was a bot that was used, because there was no limit for the amount of Danks you could mint at once. I tried to participate in the mint with many others at the same time – no chance. A little shitstorm evolved on twitter and there were free mints of single images as some kind of apology. I don’t know what happened after, because I stopped to observe.
In the meantime @reylarsdam decided to develop a banger. He basically created a collection of NFTs that consisted of lots of moving elements, which is that that confusing from a layer perspective that the mfers who were known for being quite good at grasping specifics like that for different collections had a hard time to understand the system. It was a smooth free mint for EOS holders and became part of the Creyzies ecosystem, or to be precisely – Creyniums and Creyzies became one community, deeply intertwined with the mfers community – through mfers and EOS.
What is quite special about the Creyniums collection, is, that there are many rare unique traits, the collection is only about 6900 NFTs big and that there are so many 1/1s of @reylarsdam.
On March 29th of 2024 sartoshi launched a meme coin for the mfers community. 20 % of the initial and total amount of the coin were distributed to mfers based on a predetermined distribution formula which can be looked up here. Besides giving mfers holders, Creyzies and EOS holders free mfercoin tokens, Sartoshi also rewarded holders of his 1/1, the signers of the mfers treasury, the mfersonchain team, other mfers that did cool stuff for the community like @HeresMyEth and creators of artworks of the EOS collection, which accumulated to 6 artists up to the 27th April of 2024. The token is home on Base, which is” (…) an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) chain that offers a safe, low-cost, developer-friendly way to build on-chain”. People speculate that Coinbase users will be able to operate on the Base network with their normal Coinbase wallets which could put lots of liquidity into all coins which are part of the network. Mfercoin shares the same principle as the mfers collection – a creation without promises. People already started to give it some kind of utility. You can for example buy NFTs on the rarible platform with mfercoin. It is worth to be mentioned, that you find mfercoin on different crypto exchanges to trade it. Since the meme coin season has been going on for a few months and many people compare it rightfully with Casino gambling, where the casino wins/the creators of the coins, there are things that might be different for the coin. We are talking about a product that is as speculative as it can get, but did you notice that @sartoshi_rip changed his profile on twitter?
I personally didn’t sold any of my tokens, I sent a few to a mfer in need, but other than that I also do not invest in it, because I consider it as a risky bet and I had enough of them going. One of my bet is and was on sartoshi, I never regretted it, but there are more ways to bet on sartoshi than buying more mfercoin. You should choose what you feel comfortable with, if you want to make the same bet as myself.
You can find lots of useful information about mfercoin here.
Rarities of the mfers collection are not easy to understand at first sight. Why? Different traits have absolute rarities. Different color ways of the same design, knits for example, have round about 1 % each. While 1 % might be considered as rare, many knits that have 1 % each, combined, are less rare than a unique trait that might have 2 % but only one color way. Therefore I will explain along the way and try to make it as simple as possible for you to understand! I reference the rarities in x/10021, the smaller the result the rarer a certain trait is. If you want to buy a mfer or understand the collection better, this guide might be useful. I will refer to trait categories as properties and to traits as traits or attributes to optimize results for search engines. Many attributes have more than one color way. I will add up the number of the color ways and summarize the rarities for an easier understanding. At the end of this rarity guide I will talk more in-depth about rare attributes, why they are rare and what to look out for. Additionally I will talk about the correlation between rarity and price.
You can click here to directly scroll to the rarity tables, where I show rare attributes and combinations with different metrics.
Mfers vs 1o1s
The collection consists of 10000 mfers and 21 1o1s which feature different NFT collections. All of the 1o1s are unique and are featuring a different NFT collection, but they are not the rarest kind, because only 9 alien mfers exist 9 < 21. Rarity: 21/10021
Mfers types
The mfers that are not 1o1s are all showing mfers in the same posture, which is different from the famous meme “are you winning son?”, where a dad stands in the door of his son’s room and asks him, if he is winning while his son is playing on his computer.
The three types “Zombie”, “Ape” and “Alien” are featuring specific backgrounds that are limited to their types. The more common mfer types are “Charcoal” and “Plain”. Charcoal and plain mfers share the same 5 simple background colors (blue, orange, green, yellow, red).
Two kinds of properties exist, mandatory and not mandatory properties. Mandatory properties are: “Type”, “Background”, “Eyes”, “Mouth” and “Headset”. All of the 10000 mfers have one variant of these 5 main trait categories. Well there is one exception, but let’s start simple. The rest of the properties is optional. 5 is the minimum amount of properties a mfer has, while 11 is the maximum. The background is strongly connected to the type, therefore we first talked about the different types which determine the background options.
Now we will discuss the different optional properties. After that I will explain the mandatory traits, that weren’t completely discussed (eyes, background, headphones, mouth).
Trait separation: Head
If you already made your own NFT collection, you probably know that some traits do not work well with each other. For example a hat won’t harmonize with a mohawk, because you wouldn’t be able to see the mohawk or only parts of it. NFT creators create their NFTs in a way, that traits that are in conflict with each other do not appear in the same NFT. Now it gets a little bit complicated. We could basically divide the collection into 3 categories: 1. “Hat over headphones” 2. “Hat under headphones”, 3. “None”. There is simply one exception, the hoodies. While 75% of attributes of the property “Hat over headphones” (top hat, cowboy hat, pilot helmet) can coexist with the property “Short hair”, “Hoodie” can’t. Therefore no mfer that has 11 properties and a “Hoodie” exists, because it is simply not possible due to the layer configuration of the collection. Rarities: 1. Hat over headphones (466/10021), 2. Hat under headphones (2956/10021), 3. None (6578/10021)
Hat over headphones
Only 4 different attributes of “Hat over headphones” exist. All of these traits have only one color way.
Rarities: 1. “Pilot helmet” (58/10021), 2. “Top hat” (119/10021), 3. “Hoodie” (143/10021), 4. “Cowboy hat” (146/ 10021)
Short hair
Only two main traits of “Short hair” do exist, “Mohawk” and “Messy”. Both of these come in different color ways. Rarities: “Messy” (591/10021), “Mohawk” (1232/10021). While there are more mfers with a mohawk, the rarest mohawk color way (“Mohawk red”: 17/10021) is rarer than the rarest messy color way (“Messy black”: 68/10021).
Hat under headphones
There are 5 different main traits for the category of “Hat under headphones”: 1. “Beanie” (123/10021), 2. “Cap” (291/10021), 3. “Bandana” (636/10021), 4. “Headband” (710/10021), 5. “Knit” (1196/10021). This is an important distinction, where many people get confused. While color ways of knits may have small percentages each (84/10021-124/10021) they are not that rare, because so many color ways of knits do exist and there is no color way of knits that is substantially rarer than the other color ways. A specific color way “monochrome” gets introduced for caps and beanies. The monochrome variants are less rare than their colorful counterparts.
The clothing for mfers falls under the category of “Shirt” and is separated into 2 categories: 1. “Hoodie down” (2174/10021) 2. “Shirt” (2239/10021). Both categories have many color ways. When you read the previous text closely, you can see, that the normal “Hoodie” falls in the category “Hat over headphones”.
4:20 watch
Three different categories of watches exist. All of them have more than one color way. More mfers with watches exist than without (7635/10021 > 2635/10021). Rarities: 1. “Argo” (407/10021) 2. “Oyster” (1524/10021), 3. “Sub” (5704/10021).
The beard is a trait that only comes with one color way and 1036 of 10021 mfers have this attribute.
The property “chain” is divided into two color ways: “Silver” (395/10021) and “Gold” (95/10021).
Long hair
Now it might become a bit confusing. Long hair is a property that can coexist with the trait categories “Hat over headphones” and “Hat under headphones” while “Short hair” can’t. That is why we divided mfers into 4 groups before, that include “Short hair” and “Hat over headphones”. Long hair is one attribute with two color ways: “Long hair yellow” (752/10021) and “Long hair black” (1839/10021).
The smoke property consists of 2 main attributes, “Pipe” (747/10021) and “Cig” (7545/10021). The Cig has 2 color ways while the pipe has only one. The majority of mfers is smoking (8292/10021). More non-smokers than smokers with a pipe exist (1708/10021 > 747/10021).
Well done, you made it to this section, where I explain 4 of the 5 mandatory properties, that every mfer (10000/10021), that is not a 1o1, possesses.
The backgrounds are deeply tied to the “Type” of an mfer and are determined by it. There is not much to say about the background category. “Aliens”, “Apes” and “Zombies” have their own backgrounds while “Plain” and “Charcoal” mfers share the same 5 background colors: 1. “Red” (1846/10021), 2. “Yellow” (1956/10021), 3. “Green” (1974/10021), 4. “Orange” (2023/10021) and 5. “Blue” (2075/10021).
The “Eye” property is an interesting one, because “Glasses” do not count as an additional property! “Aliens” and “Zombies” never wear glasses, because they have their own trait for the category “Eyes”. The minority of mfers has their eyes covered (2647/10021). The attributes are: “Eye mask” (293/10021), “Vr” (342/10021), “Glasses” (940/10021), and “Shades” (1037/10021). “Shades” and “Glasses” have multiple color ways while the “Eye mask” and “Vr” have only one.
Headphones come in many different color ways. The only really special headphones might be the lined headphones. Almost all mfers wear headphones (9941/10021). “Didn’t you say that this is a mandatory trait?” Well yes…, but I also said, that there would be one exception and that we would start off simple. This is the one exception. Mfers with pilot helmets have no headphones! This might be a reason, why they are so high within the rarity rankings.
Mfers either have a flat mouth (2064/10021) or a mouth, that shows a smile (7936/10021).
You made it! “Wasn’t so hard, was it?” Now you should understand the collection much better and have some insights on how NFT collections are structured and made. Now comes the part you might have been waiting for.
Single traits
This is my own opinion, but I will give you a guideline how to identify a good deal to scoop an mfer that might rise in value. You should have the required fundamentals to understand my thoughts by now. First of all absolute rarities like (1 %) do not relate to the price of a trait. As you have seen before many rare traits like knits have many color ways and therefore many mfers with knits exist. There are exceptions like the red mohawk. A color way with only 17 samples, but in general you should use the rarities of a trait category for your first assessment. That is why I added them up. Okay, now you know that for example a “Cowboy hat” (146) and a “Hoodie” (143) are rarer than a “Knit las vegas”(84) if you summarize the total number of the possible color ways of a trait, because if you do, you see “Hoodie” 143 < “Cowboy Hat” 146 < “Knit” 1196. “Do “Cowboy hats” and “Hoodies” have the same floor price?” No, they don’t, even though 143 hoodie mfers exist, their floor price is much higher than the floor price of mfers with cowboy hats. Why? Because people like them more, the demand will determine the fair price of the market.
Multiple traits
So you already know how to spot a good floor price of a single trait. You simply need to look it up. Since the demand will determine the price you can use the total rarities of a trait, that were used in the guide as an entry point and then simply look up the prices for single traits / color ways on the marketplace. Multiple traits make the game interesting. Mfers with only 5 traits as well as mfers with 11 traits are very rare, even though, the rarities of their attributes do not show it directly. Since many people already found out about this, you might ask yourself what other good trades might be available. Well, simply put, a combination of rare traits makes a pretty good deal. It might take longer to sell it (because only few people want to pay the premium for a combination of rare traits) but you are less dependent on the price movement of one rare trait, if you scoop up a mfer with a combination of rare traits on the floor of one of the rare attributes. There is not a single “Alien” mfer, that wears a “Hoodie” and only one “Ape” mfer that wears a “Beanie” / “Top hat” / “Cowboy Hat”. A good scoop that recently came up was a mfer that combined the two rare traits “Messy black” and “Sub cola (red/blue)”. Both traits are very appreciated by the community and have their own floor prices. Possible other interesting combinations might be rare and demanded traits in combination with a chain.
How to execute?
If I would try to scoop a mfer, that is a good deal, I would do the following. This is not financial advice, but my own opinion. Beneath are rarity tables, that show either rare traits that have only one color way, or the most rare color way of a trait. I would simply use the floor multiplier metric of the tables below and then observe the markets on opensea for a week and would note down the multipliers every day. After the seven days, I would compare the floor multipliers of the list below, with the tracked multipliers of the 7 days. I would search for the biggest deviation and if I would have time, I would make many bids with WETH for mfers, that would make a good deal according to the multipliers differences, if the bids get accepted. If this does not work out, I would buy the mfer with the biggest floor multiplier discrepancy. Notice, that this is an approach for a conviction play, because I believe that the prices of the collection will rise in the long term. For a quick flip and a short time duration of days, I would consider the option of purchasing the cheapest mfer available.
“When are the metrics like the multipliers set off?” They are often set off, because sometimes markets tank, because there is a low volume (not many people buy or sell). “What happens now”? People that need liquidity are listing their items cheaper by the day and rares are getting closer to the floor with each day. When interest increases and volume picks up, many rares are closer to the floor than usual, because the people that needed liquidity forgot to increase the price or did not want to. Metrics are nothing but tools, the outcome depends on how well they are used and even if used well, they will give you no garantuee, because this game is about statics and probabilites, which are never certain. Please keep that in mind and only risk what you can afford to loose.
Why wouldn’t I go for the second color ways of rare traits? I believe that it is most likely that the floor prices of rare traits or the rarest color ways of an attribute are more stable than the floor prices of the second rarest color ways of a trait, but my assumption might be wrong.
This is a rarity table, where I point out the metrics, that were used within this guide. I could, but don’t want to cover all rarities, since there are some combinations of traits, that only have 1 sample and I want to discuss the floor averages of rare attributes and rare color ways of specific traits. The floor average is calculated by the 3 cheapest mfers with the certain rare trait (only one sample for apes and aliens).
In the past rarity sheets updates were provided by a mfer, who I call “Kaze”, you can find his twitter here. He posted these sheets, that he created with excel on a regular basis and many mfers liked the format and when I saw his sheets I became more and more interested in rarities. After all, these are patterns.. Soon I found myself commenting the most recent sales of the mfers automatic sales bot and discussing which traits might be the reason for a particular price and if it might be a good deal for the buyer or not. At some point Kaze said, that he would stop with his rarity sheets and would look forward to provide value for mfers with other kinds of contributions in the future. In the meantime I had created a daily floor report, that I still tweet every day and that shows the changes of volume, listings in different price ranges (4.2069, 6.9, etc., gotta stay true to the memes) as well as the changes of the unique holders count.
I wanted Kaze to come back and made a little surprise where I used his format (images of rare traits on the left, metrics on the right) as well as his order of rare traits and offered that I would help him out, since he started with his format and the idea originated from him, even though our reports where not identical, because I added a few more metrics and displayed the ones he used in my own way (graphs instead of numbers). To my surprise he actually supported the idea, that I would continue with the rarity updates and said that they would provide value for the community. This is how I ended up making rarity sheets on a regular basis, but the OG, when it comes to mfers rarity sheets, will always be Kaze.
This rarity table was made on 16.03.2022. Furthermore this table puts the rarity of traits into perspective, because it compares the rarity of a trait with the rarity of a color way. The percentages of marketplaces might be insufficient to understand the rarity concepts of attributes. The devil is in the details and many sites that track rarities only provide a simplified attempt to grasp the approximate rarity of a trait / NFT. A good example from the beginning were the color ways of knit… While each color way is kinda rare on its own 1196 mfers with knits exist. If a rarity site only shows the absolute rarity of a color way and doesn’t differentiate between color ways and unique attributes, (like hoodies – only one frame and one color way) this might lead to a decision, that might be… suboptimal from a rarity standpoint.
Trait | Image | Total count of mfers with trait category | Total count of mfers with color way | Floor price | Floor price multiplier |
1. Cowboy hat | ![]() | 146 | 146 | 5.15 | 1.72 |
2. Lined headphone | ![]() | 9941 | 115 | 4.817 | 1.61 |
3. Top hat | ![]() | 119 | 119 | 7.516 | 2.51 |
4. Beanie monochrome | ![]() | 123 | 82 | 5.9 | 1.97 |
5. Gold chain | ![]() | 490 | 95 | 8.293 | 2.76 |
6. Pilot helmet | ![]() | 58 | 58 | 14.833 | 4.94 |
7. Hoodie | ![]() | 143 | 143 | 16.18 | 5.39 |
8. Beanie | ![]() | 123 | 41 | 39.933 | 13.31 |
9. Zombie | ![]() | 89 | – | 25.427 | 8.47 |
10. Ape | ![]() | 28 | – | 69.69 | 23.23 |
11. Alien | ![]() | 9 | – | 139.98 | 46.66 |
12. Headband blue/red | ![]() | 710 | 46 | 4.917 | 1.64 |
13. Argo white | ![]() | 407 | 82 | 6.097 | 2.03 |
14. Sub cola | ![]() | 5704 | 83 | 5.163 | 1.72 |
15. Sub bat | ![]() | 5704 | 100 | 4.323 | 1.43 |
16. Red mohawk | ![]() | 1232 | 17 | 41.333 | 13.78 |
17. Messy black | ![]() | 591 | 68 | 5.263 | 1.75 |
18. 5 trait | ![]() | ? | ? | ? | ? |
19. 11 trait | ![]() | ? | ? | ? | ? |
When you read the table closely you probably noticed that some traits only have one color way and certain rare color ways of common traits are considered to be rare. This table does not capture all of the traits that the market is already appreciating with a higher floor price.
Trait | Image | Total count of mfers with trait category | Total count of mfers with color way | Floor price | Floor price multiplier |
20. Cap purple | ![]() | 291 | 101 | 4.833 | 1.82 |
21. Hoodie down red | ![]() | 2174 | 94 | 6.8 | 2.56 |
22. Collared shirt yellow | ![]() | 2239 | 97 | 6.653 | 2.50 |
23. Mohawk pink + purple | ![]() ![]() | 1232 | 74 + 76 = 150 | 4.625 | 1.74 |
24. 1/1 | ![]() | 21 | – | 40.423 | 15.2 |
If you want to compare both of the tables. Then use the floor price multipliers and not the floor prices, because I added the second table later, when the floor prices were lower. Okay, now let me explain the rare traits of the second table one by one. Only 291 mfers with caps exist and only 101 mfers wear a purple cap. Therefore less mfers with caps than with chains exist. Since the chains (property: “Chain”) fall under their own category and are not a sub category of a property like the caps (property: “Hat under headphones”) both of these traits are not directly comparable. “Hoodie down red” and “Collared shirty yellow” are the rarest color ways of normal clothing. Even though 1232 mfers have mohawks, their 2nd and 3rd rarest color ways are quite popular. The pink and the purple color way have almost the same rarities and are both appreciated with higher floor prices than average. I fused them into one category, because the individual appreciation of the market underlies constant changes. The 1/1 are usually not captured by rarity tables. Most of them are not listed and their perceived value might be strongly connected to the valuation of the NFT project they are featuring. I still wanted to mention this trait / type, because to me they are the original derivatives of the mfers collection, that feature other collections / memes.
Here you can see my version (that was heavily inspired by Kazes original format) of mfers rarity sheets, that I post on a weekly basis on my twitter account:
This section will feature all current and future companion collections of mfers, that are cc0. Creyzies were not the first airdrop, but the first companion collection and the first airdrop that reached all holders. The first airdrop was a collaboration between “Kaleb” (twitter handle: @KalebsCode) and sartoshi. They created two images together with different edition sizes and made a randomized raffle, so a few lucky mfers and wavelength holders (the collection of Kaleb) could claim the airdrop.
On 20.04.2022 all mfers holders received an airdrop and received 1 creyzie for each mfer they were holding. Creyzies were made by the artist “RΞY”, who has the twitter handle @reylarsdam. Creyzies are a companion collection of mfers and are in the public domain as stated on opensea. Why might this airdrop be special? Well, usually NFT collection creators airdrop a second wave with slightly different art, like the mutants that were airdropped by BAYC. Usually those airdrops reach a certain % of the original collections floor price and stay at a specific price range. Why? Well, they are not the og collection and often do not benefit from additional airdrops or don’t benefit as much from additional airdrops as the og collection and the same artists made them. Sometimes the airdrops have a bigger size than the og collection and therefore the sky for an airdrop is usually a healthy % of the floor price of the og collection, but nothing higher.
Why might Creyzies be different in comparison to airdrops of other collections? Sartoshi did not make them, but collaborated with RΞY, who has its own fanbase and is a known artist in the NFT space. Therefore Creyzies are not a sub creation of the og collection, but as the text of opensea states a companion collection.
Okay, sit tight fellow and future mfers, this will be a wild ride. “Why?” Well on the surface both collections (mfers and creyzies) look kinda equal, when you look at the properties and traits, because the naming is identical, but they are not. “What is similar?” The dev team and the creation and randomizing process. It is like Rey created one design for every attribute that mfers have and the same combination of layers were used for Creyzies, which were also used for mfers. “What does that mean?” Creyzies with pilot helmets have no headphones, that means that the layer configurations of the randomizing process were identical. These layer configurations determine that aliens always have an alien background and that no creyzie with a top hat exists that also has a mohawk.
As far as I understand the mfers collection and the creyzies collection used some kind of randomizer to create the different images during the mint and the probabilities determined a likely range of the population of a trait. Therefore different numbers for traits can exist for both collections. There might be less red mohawks in the creyzie collection or more than in the mfer collection, depending on the outcome of the randomizing process, but both collections will have in common that “red” is the rarest color way for mohawks. (relative rarities were identical premint, absolute rarities were different post mint)
“What is different?”
The color ways. What is a color way? It usually is a coloring of a frame that was created. When you look at the different knits of creyzies, which are supposed to be different color ways for the same frame, than you will see, that they have different frames! “Why is that so special?” Think about it. Why are knits not as appreciated as many other traits of the mfers collection even though each knit color way has around 1% rarity? It is because they look pretty alike, it is hard to say that the black and grey knit looks fire, while the blue and white knit looks equal, just with different colors. This is one part of the truth, the second part is that no color way of the knits is substantially rarer than the others (a good example for a super rare color way is the red mohawk). My argument is, that knits and other color ways could be a different story for creyzies, because color ways of the mfers collection often have a creyzie counterpart with a unique frame. Unique frames with unique coloring might attract hype traits like “Hoodies”. Therefore relative rarities become absolute rarities and everything gets super wild, when one tries to understand the rarity concept. As I described in the mfers rarity guide hoodies are very appreciated by the community and have a much higher floor price than cowboy hats even though their rarities are almost equal.
The main focus is clearly set on the differences! I will try to especially point out, when color ways received more unique frames and where hype potential might be hidden.
Creyzies 1o1s
Creyzies 1o1s are similiar to their mfers counterparts. Except the “glyph” one, all feature a chair and are unique drawings with a specific theme. Unlike in the mfers collection there are no monitors / computers / dads / speech bubbles to be seen.
Creyzies types
Like stated before, creyzies follow the same rarity structure as mfers and have the same types, they just look different.
The same layer structure was used for both collections, therefore creyzies also have mandatory and not mandatory traits with the exception of pilot helmet creyzies, who have no headphones.
Hat over headphones
Short hair
And it already starts to get crazy. The frame for the mohawks color ways is bigger than for the messy color ways but every color way of these two attribute categories has its own frames and unique color ways.
Color ways of traits of the property short hair are a good example of frame variety, but not the best. I believe it becomes clearer for you where I am coming from. If you want to have a creyzie that has a cat like thing on his head, your only option is the short hair trait “messy red”. Having a creyzie that’s hair is literally fire is not bad either, but for both options you have to pick exact one and only one color way to get what you want. A unique frame and a unique color way – relative rarities suddenly become absolute.
To say it in numbers: When you want a mfer with a red mohawk, you want 1 of 17 mfers that has a red mohawk, but there exist 1232 in total, that have the frame of the exact same mohawk. When you want a creyzie with a red mohwak, only 17 creyzies of the complete collection have a trait with that exact frame and that exact coloring. 17 < 1232
Hat under headphones
First of all, forget everything you know about the monochrome color ways. Creyzies only know one coloring and that is full color mode on.
Two main trait categories: “Shirts” and “Hoodie down” with many color ways.
4:20 watch
Even the color ways of the watches have all their own designs and you probably won’t be able to differentiate between the categories of sub / oyster / argo without knowing which color way belongs to which category.
Beard and mouth
Both of these creyzies have a beard and just like mfers, creyzies know only two different traits for their mouth: “Flat” and “Smile”.
Chain and smokes
The different color ways of the cig might be the closest thing to the color ways we know of from the mfers collection, because the frames really look alike and still their appearances are quite different, but the chains do no share the same frames.
Long hair
Like in the mfers collection, all kinds of glasses count as trait of the property “Eye” and therefore 5 traits combinations with glasses are possible. Additionally aliens and zombies have their very own variants of eyes.
Except the 1o1 and the creyzies with pilot helmets all creyzies wear headphones even though they are sometimes hard to spot, this holds very true for creyzies with hoodies for example.
The creyzies rarity concept is mainly different, because color ways are mostly not simply recoloring the same main frame but actually have their own frames and themes. Therefore it is possible that relative rarities for the mfers collection have creyzies counterparts with absolute rarities. Absolute rarities usually support the development of a hype.
Many people on twitter already talked about an interesting headband variant (bus) and knit variants (crown + stadium). I never saw a group of mfers actually hype up a certain color way of a knit for mfers before… We are talking probabilities here, but I would say that Rey made the rarity game for creyzies quite interesting, because this creyzie mfer just did what he liked. Suddenly monochrome traits were super colorful and this is only one of many examples. Complexity usually offers opportunities and I believe it would be worthwhile to observe the appreciation of many different traits in weekly intervals.
I made a little layout how a weekly creyzie rarity guide could look like and how people could display the rarities of trait categories like headbands and knits, that might be interesting to watch regarding the unique frames of the color ways.
There are many community driven projects out there. There is an unofficial official mfers discord, a marketplace for mfer derivatives without fees, a builder community that works on… I do not know actually, but they are connecting and you could probably be a part of their team. It is important to understand, that people in this community usually respond if you ask kindly. Open up, leave a message, talk to people, find your place, help others, receive help, make memes, do whatever you like as long as it doesn’t harm others and is legally accepted.
The community is driven by the thought of the CC0 license. What does it mean? I do not have to ask for permission to create this website and to use the images of mfers, I simply can. The CC0 license might be a reason why the mfers project might be a disruptive experiment. Punks originally gave very limited rights to their owners, BAYCs gave more rights to their owners, so they could build brands around their PFPs and mfers… give you the option to do whatever you like to do with them. That is why so many derivatives exist, the license is in harmony with the concept of creating derivates and not against it. To put it in different words “mfers are the mfin utility” – sartoshi
Okay, you made it so far. Here I linked a few websites that might be useful for you to discover the landscape of the mfers community. This website was created for everyone that is interested in mfers, not just for mfers. I thought about adding many links, but the creators of the mferpedia already did a great job with that. I will also leave the link to the original twitter account of “sartoshi” as it is, even though there is nothing to see anymore… but sartoshi came back with a new account, which can also be found within the section beneath.
The unofficial official mfers discord
Twitter of sartoshi – the creator of mfers (the old account that was deleted)
Twitter of sartoshi – the creator of mfers (the new account)
The mfers collection on opensea
A tweet about mfers, written by punk6529
The best overview of the mfers landscape I know – the mferpedia
When you use one of the links to get redirected to a project that was created by a member of the mfers community, please note, that I am not affiliated with the builders / twitter accounts and can therefore not guarantee anything. I don’t link any projects / websites / accounts, that I didn’t have checked myself, but I make mistakes as well. Furthermore the builders of the projects have often limited control. For example, almost anyone can post in the mfers discord. Therefore it is great, that a mfers discord was set up, but the admins can not guarantee for the moral integrity of every discord member, because the discord is available for everyone that is interested.
Well, probably there are way more useful links… If you know any, that are not covered by the mferpedia, dm me on twitter. I will happily add them, but the condition is, that they are actually useful in regards to the mfers landscape without the incentive to sell something.
“Why should you buy or hodl an mfer?” Well, when mfers minted out there was a gas war to mint them. After that the price declined. It is important to mention, that big crypto personalities like Pranksy and punk6529 bought mfers. I don’t know if Pranksy still owns some but I know that punk6529 did, his team even purchased an alien. Punk6529 is known for very… very long tweets on twitter. He made tweets that explained how you should secure your NFTs, what NFTs are actually about (jpegs are just the beginning), etc. He created value for crypto twitter by sharing useful and relevant information. Sartoshi always said, that the floor price is not important, because 1mfer will always equal 1mfer with no regards to the current market evaluation.
Even in the early stages of the NFT collection people were buying rares. This is usually a good sign, because it speaks for long term believers, instead of flippers (it is easier to flip a floor NFT than a rare one). “So, why should you hodl?” Well, people that are considered as very smart like punk6529 are hodling mfers. He said that it is a long term experiment that needs to be run. “Does he mean mfers?” Well, kinda, he is mostly referring to the CC0 licensing model, if I understand him correctly. Furthermore punk6529 does not care about the money, if I understand it correctly.
“Why do I hodl mfers?” I was there, when mfers were at their early stages. I saw my twitter follower count rise, just because I changed my PFP to a mfer. I was there when the community grew organically. I was there when the first derivates where dropped (on polygon, not on eth). This project is driven by the community. There are many builders that create and it is important to mention, that the influence of sartoshi keeps rising with his follower count and that he is providing regular content, but he does not need to be always there, because the community is independent (sartoshis departure happened on the 9th of June 2022 and therefore the mfers community is truly independent know, the community lost its favorite meme creator, but also won the potential to pave new roads that are not limited to the ideas of one central figure -> decentralization). The community might regain sartoshi as a popular and well-known figure in a new role. He announced the revival of his presence for the year 2023 as “sartoshi_rip”. I believe in mfers, because I decided to help this movement and to build something for it.
“Why should you hodl?” That is a question only you can answer for yourself.
One side note: Mfers that are rocking mfer derivatives as PFPs are not considered as outcasts, they are welcome and appreciated. If I see someone using a mfer derivate as PFP, I consider him to be part of the mfer community, because the vibes connect us, not the money we can afford to pay for a profile picture and it does not even have to be an NFT you bought! You can simply use a mfer picture and change it to your liking with a program like illustrator / photoshop / paint, etc. and rock it as a PFP. That is what CC0 is all about. You can be part of this community without owning a NFT.
My forever mfer for example is my twitter PFP. An image of a mfer that I changed to my liking. A mfer that wears a nice shirt with a floral pattern, chasing sunsets. I might have to sell my mfer one day, but I won’t have to change my PFP.
To create your own memes you can simply download the file below which contains the images of the gif which you can see on the left side!
Not sartoshi, but a simple mfer.
On twitter I was known for my mfers analysis. My account featured 4 different reports / sheets for mfers and creyzies: 1. daily floor reports, 2. weekly mfers rarity sheets (Thursday), 3. weekly creyzie rarity sheets (Monday), 4. weekly recaps of daily floor reports (Tuesday). I also helped the team of which later became We had a deal, that I was helping them out with testing their website and talking about statistics with them and therefore I got cool and inspiring insights of their most recent developments and had access to information to make cool analysis for mfers. What can I say, I saw cool stuff and I the guy I was in contact with – great fella. Had my ups and downs, could not always perform on 100 %, it was accepted.
I am a builder / creator, whatever you want to name it. I embrace creating. I love art, programming and designing. I have designed multiple websites. Some with more effort, some with less. I wrote advanced scripts for specific purposes and I made a little course about how to use WordPress and never finished creating a course about programming with Swift / Xcode.
I offered the educational content I created for free and still don’t know what the future is holding up for me. One main thing I like about my job is helping students. Well most of them are not in need, but that is the way it is. Still, I believe people that are not privileged need to be given a chance. For a better understanding I recommend to read “Luke 14:1-14 Jesus at a Pharisee’s House”. My twitter name can also be read as “Average Sinner at Pharisees House”, a name I don’t plan to change. Furthermore I think, that people should look out for each other and need to distance themselves a bit from the monetary. We all need money to survive and I am not a rich person, actually you could consider me as poor in relation to the stories I could tell about my past life, but as “Bob Marley” once stated – “I don’t possess that kind of richness”, but in a few other regards I would consider myself as blessed. Money is not everything.
On the right side you can see some pieces of my collection of 1/1s on opensea. I gifted them away for different reasons. There might come a new collection soon (not on opensea), I might gift a few of them as well… for different reasons, some I will offer for sale.
If you want to learn how to design a website like this one, check out my YouTube playlist for WordPress. If you have a specific question about any of my previous works, ask me on twitter. One of my goals is to educate other people and people of this community, so they can build what they would like to build.
If you read all of this, you might want to go back to the top of the page and check out the links to “derivatives” and the “glossary”. Have a wonderful day!
Here is my twitter and the mfer PFP I am known for: